2021年度 研究発表論文一覧

学術論文誌 / Journal

  1. Daichi Kominami, Masayoshi Iwamoto, Tatsuya Otoshi, and Masayuki Murata, “Adaptive rate control based on a human cognitive model toward individual user QoE improvement,” submitted for publication, February 2022.
  2. Ikkyu Aihara, Daichi Kominami, Yushi Hosokawa, and Masayuki Murata, “Excitatory and inhibitory interactions affect the balance of chorus activity and energy efficiency in the aggregation of male frogs: Theoretical study using a hybrid dynamical model,” submitted for publication, February 2022.
  3. Shiori Takagi, Shin’ichi Arakawa, and Masayuki Murata, “Design, implementation and evaluation of a network-oriented service with environmental adaptability based on core/periphery structure,” submitted for publication, August 2021.
  4. Masaaki Yamauchi, Masahiro Tanaka, Yuichi Ohsita, Masayuki Murata, Kensuke Ueda, and Yoshiaki Kato, “Smart-home anomaly detection using combination of in-home situation and user behavior,” submitted for publication, September 2021.
  5. Masaaki Yamauchi, Yuichi Ohsita, and Masayuki Murata, “A countermeasure to improve attack tolerance of a privacy-preserved cooperation framework,” submitted for publication, January 2022.
  6. Shiori Takagi, Shin’ichi Arakawa, and Masayuki Murata, “Design, implementation and evaluation of core/periphery-based network-oriented mixed reality services,” Journal of Internet Services and Applications, February 2022. [ pdf ]
  7. 鈴木 敏明, 村田 正幸, “カラー管理された電力需給における高効率な電力利用を可能とする充放電および送電管理方式,” 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol. 63, No.1, pp.77-93, January 2022.
  8. Masaaki Yamauchi, Yuichi Ohsita, and Masayuki Murata, “Platform utilizing similar users’ data to detect anomalous operation of home IoT without sharing private information,” IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 130615–130626, September 2021. [ pdf ]
  9. Naomi Kuze, Shu Ishikura, Takeshi Yagi, Daiki Chiba, and Masayuki Murata, “Classification of diversified web crawler accesses inspired by biological adaptation,” International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation, vol. 17, pp. 165–173, April 2021.

国際会議議事録 / International Conference Proceedings

  1. Daichi Kominami, Sayaka Nishide, Satoshi Nishimura, Tatsuya Otoshi, Masaaki Kurozumi, Daiki Fukudome, Masao Yamamoto, and Masayuki Murata, “Choice-supportive bias affects video viewing experience: Subjective experiment and evaluation,” submitted for publication, February 2022.
  2. Ryoga Seki, Daichi Kominami, Hideyuki Shimonishi, Masayuki Murata, and Masaya Fujiwaka, “Realtime Object Recognition Method Inspired by Multimodal Information Processing in the Brain for Distributed Digital Twin Systems,” submitted for publication, March 2022.
  3. Yuki Fujita, Daichi Kominami, Hideyuki Shimonishi, and Masayuki Murata, “Spreading Factor Allocation Method Adaptive to Changing Environments for LoRaWAN Based on Thermodynamical Genetic Algorithm,” submitted for publication, March 2022.
  4. Ryu Yachikojima, Shin’ichi Arakawa, Takeshi Kitahara, Nagao Ogino, Go Hasegawa, and Masayuki Murata, “Low-latency probabilistic collision detection method for C-V2X applications,” submitted for publication, February 2022.
  5. Tatsuya Otoshi and Masayuki Murata, “Evolutionary algorithm with phenotype diversity for virtual network embedding,” submitted for publication, February 2022.
  6. Betty Wutzl, Kenji Leibnitz, and Masayuki Murata, "Determining the correlation between subjective well-being and EEG alpha asymmetry under different environmental conditions", submitted for publication, January 2022.
  7. Lu Chen, and Masayuki Murata, “Deep reinforcement learning for resource management in C-RAN for dynamic environment,” in Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Beyond 5G/6G Networks, December 2022.
  8. Tatsuya Otoshi and Masayuki Murata, “Quantum decision making with small sample for network monitoring and control,” to be presented at International Conference on Quantum Cognition and Decision Making, (online), August 2022. [ pdf ]
  9. Suyong Eum, Shinichi Arakawa, and Masayuki Murata, “Generalization of probabilistic scheduling models for realizing URLLC applications,” in Proceedings of IEEE 19th Annual Consumer Communications Networking Conference (IEEE CCNC 2022) , (Las Vegas, USA), January 2022. [ pdf ] [ slide ]
  10. Ryoga Seki, Daichi Kominami, Hideyuki Shimonishi, Masayuki Murata and Masaya Fujiwaka, “Object estimation method for edge devices inspired by multimodal information processing in the brain,” in Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE 19th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), pp. 945–946, January 2022. [ pdf ]
  11. Natsumi Nishizawa, Tatsuya Otoshi, Masayuki Murata, “Modeling of Cognitive Bias of Video Viewing Users Based on Quantum Decision Making,” in Proceedings of International Conference on Information Networking, ICOIN 2022, (South Korea), January 2022. [ pdf ] [ slide ]
  12. Sayaka Nishide, Daichi Kominami, Satoshi Nishimura, Tatsuya Otoshi, Masaaki Kurozumi, Daiki Fukudome, Masao Yamamoto, Masayuki Murata, “Cognitive-effect-based bit rate control to improve quality of experience for video streaming,” in Proceedings of 2021 International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Communications (ICETC), December 2021. [ pdf ]
  13. Tatsuya Otoshi and Masayuki Murata, “Non-parametric Decision-Making by Bayesian Attractor Model for Dynamic Slice Selection,” in Proceedings of 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), December 2021. [ pdf ] [ slide ]
  14. Akishige Ikoma, Yuichi Ohsita, and Masayuki Murata, “Impact of remote memory and network performance on execution performance of disaggregated micro data centers,” in Proceedings of 2021 International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Communications, pp. C2–2, December 2021. [ pdf ] [ slide ]
  15. Toshiaki Suzuki and Masayuki Murata, “Power Loss Reduction for Power Trading be-tween Interconnected Microgrids Using Batteries,” in Proceedings of 2021 9th Interna-tional Conference on Smart Grid and Clean Energy Technologies (ICSGCE), October 2021.
  16. Kohei Shiomoto, Tatsuya Otoshi, and Masayuki Murata, “A network and computing re-source management method based on population prediction in mobile networks,” in Proceedings of 2021 12th International Conference on Network of the Future (NoF), October 2021.
  17. Yun Fan, Toshiki Shibahara, Yuichi Ohsita, Daiki Chiba, Mitsuaki Akiyama, and Masayuki Murata, “Understanding update of machine-learning-based malware detection by clustering changes in feature attributions,” in Proceedings of International Workshop on Security, September 2021. [ pdf ] [ slide ]
  18. Go Hasegawa, Satoshi Hasegawa, Shin’ichi Arakawa, and Masayuki Murata, “UONA: User-oriented network slicing architecture for beyond-5G networks,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2021), June 2021.
  19. Tatsuya Otoshi, Shin’ichi Arakawa, Masayuki Murata, Kai Wang, Takeo Hosomi, Toshiyuki Kanoh, “Method for flexible updating of attractors in virtual network topology control with Bayesian attractor model,” in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2021), (online), June 2021. [ pdf ] [ slide ]
  20. Onur Alparslan, Shin’ichi Arakawa, and Masayuki Murata, “Next generation intra-vehicle backbone network architectures,” in Proceedings of the IEEE 22nd International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR 2021), pp. 1–7, June 2021. (Invited Paper). [ pdf ] [ slide ]

講演 / Lecture

  1. 村田 正幸, “ヒト脳のひらめき機構に倣う人工知能の開発,” Green AI Challenge シンポジウム2022, February 23rd, 2022.
  2. 村田 正幸, “生物の統合進化説に基づく持続的に自己発展可能な情報ネットワーク設計手法の確立,” NICT Beyond 5G研究開発ワークショップ(セッション5:自律性を実現する技術), February 3rd, 2022.
  3. 小南 大智, “脳のマルチモーダルな情報処理機構とオブジェクト認識への応用,” 大阪大学先導的学祭研究機構共生知能システム研究センター若手研究者シンポジウム, January 2022.
  4. 村田 正幸, “ゆらぎ制御からゆらぎ学習へ-最新の脳科学に学ぶ情報技術の展開-,” 第11回脳情報通信融合研究センター(CiNet)シンポジウム, November 5th, 2021.
  5. Masayuki Murata, “Brain-inspired Networking and QoE Control,” IEEE/ACM Interna-tional Symposium on Quality of Service, July 27th, 2021. (Invited Talk)

口頭発表(国内研究会など)/ Domestic Conference

  1. Onur Alparslan, Shin’ichi Arakawa, and Masayuki Murata, “A zone-based optical archi-tecture for intra-vehicle backbone networks,” 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, vol. 1171, March 2022. [ pdf ]
  2. 大下 裕一, 安田 真也, 熊谷 太一, 吉田 裕志, 金友 大, 村田 正幸, “時空間確率モデルに基づく移動ロボット制御のための障害物位置推定・予測手法,” 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, March 2022. [ pdf ]
  3. 西出 彩花, 小南 大智, 西村 敏, 大歳 達也, 黒住 正顕, 福留 大貴, 山本 正男, 村田 正幸, “心理的効果が動画視聴時のQoEに与える影響の主観評価実験,” 電子情報通信学会総合大会, March 2022.
  4. 生駒昭繁, 大下裕一, 村田正幸, “リソース分離型マイクロデータセンターにおける将来の資源要求に備えた資源割り当て手法,” 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, March 2022. [ pdf ]
  5. 久保 快斗, 関 良我, 小南 大智, 下西 英之, 村田 正幸, 藤若 雅也, “デジタルツイン構築のための脳の認知機構を用いたオブジェクト認識手法の実装及び評価,” 電子情報通信学会CQ研究会, March 2022. [ pdf ] [ slide ]
  6. 佐藤 広章, 荒川 伸一, 村田 正幸, “実空間確率場表現に基づく三次元点群物体の推定手法の提案と評価,” 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 (CQ2021-83), vol. 121, pp. 39–44, January 2022. [ pdf ] [ slide ]
  7. 小南 大智, 西出 彩花, 西村 敏, 大歳 達也, 黒住 正顕, 福留 大貴, 山本 正男, 村田 正幸, “Choice-supportive バイアスが動画視聴のQoEに与える影響の主観実験評価,” 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 (CQ2021-98), vol. 121, pp. 120–125, January 2022. [ pdf ] [ slide ]
  8. 藤田 勇樹, 小南 大智, 下西 英之, 村田 正幸, “LoRaWANにおける熱力学的遺伝アルゴリズムにより動的な環境変化に適応可能な拡散率割当手法,” 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 (CQ2021-70), vol. 121, pp. 29 – 34, November 2021. [ pdf ] [ slide ]
  9. 長谷川 剛, 村田 正幸, 中平 佳裕, 鹿嶋 正幸, 阿多 信吾, “ローカル5Gサービスのためのトラヒック処理機能配置の最適化”, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告(CQ-2021-63), November 2021.
  10. 下西 英之, 大下 裕一, 小南 大智, 関 良我, 村田 正幸, 吉田 裕志, 野上 耕助, 藤若 雅也, 中野谷 学, 金友 大, “確率的デジタルツイン,” 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 (CQ2021-57), vol. 121, pp. 97–101, September 2021. (招待講演)
  11. 関 良我, 小南 大智, 下西 英之, 村田 正幸, 藤若 雅也, 野上 耕介, “脳のマルチモーダルな情報処理に着想を得た物体推定手法の提案と評価,” 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 (CQ2021-14), vol. 121, p. 59–64, May 2021. [ pdf ] [ slide ]

その他 / Other

  1. 荒川 伸一, “デジタルプラットフォームと情報ネットワーク(上),” 法律時報, vol. 1172, pp. 91–98, December 2021.
  2. 荒川 伸一, “デジタルプラットフォームと情報ネットワーク(下),” 法律時報, vol. 1173, pp. 91–99, January 2022.
  3. 津田 裕之, 久保 亮吾, 岩瀬 正幸, 森本 政仁, 金銅 恒, 天宮 泰, 中野 義昭, 種村 拓夫, 村田 正幸, 荒川 伸一, 高橋 亮, 山本 直克, 松本 敦, “多機能光集積回路を利用した高信頼大容量車載光ネットワーク”, 電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会講演論文集, vol. 2, pp. 125, September 2021.
  4. Ikkyu Aihara, Daichi Kominami, Yushi Hosokawa, Masayuki Murata, “Excitatory and inhibitory interactions affect the balance of chorus activity and energy efficiency in the aggregation of male frogs: Theoretical study using a hybrid dynamical model,” arXiv:2111.02640v1, November 2021.
  5. Masaaki Yamauchi, Masahiro Tanaka, Yuichi Ohsita, Masayuki Murata, Kensuke Ueda, and Yoshiaki Kato, “Smart-home anomaly detection using combination of in-home situation and user behavior,” CoRR, arXiv, vol. abs/2109.14348, pp. 1–13, September 2021. [ pdf ]

博士学位論文・修士学位論文・特別研究報告 / Thesis

博士学位論文 / Doctoral Dissertation

  1. Masaaki Yamauchi, Anomalous Operation Detection for Smart Home based on In-home Behaviors of Users. Ph.D thesis, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, January 2022. [ pdf ] [ slide ]
  2. Toshiaki Suzuki, Design and Evaluation of Power Trading Loss Management by Using Battery for Interconnected Microgrids. Ph.D thesis, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, January 2022.

修士学位論文 / Master's Thesis

  1. Ryu Yachikojima, “Collision avoidance method for intersection accidents using 5G edge computing environments in Cellular-V2X,” Master’s thesis, Graduate School of Infor-mation Science and Technology, February 2022. [ pdf ] [ slide ]
  2. Ryoga Seki, “Proposal and evaluation of multi-object recognition method inspired by multimodal information processing in the human brain,” Master’s thesis, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, February 2022. [ slide ]
  3. Yuki Fujita, “Spreading factor allocation method adaptive to changing environments for LoRaWAN based on thermodynamical genetic algorithm,” Master’s thesis, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, February 2022. [ pdf ] [ slide ]
  4. Akishige Ikoma, “Resource allocation method considering future application requests in a disaggregated micro data center,” Master’s thesis, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, February 2022. [ pdf ] [ slide ]
  5. Natsumi Nishizawa, “Logical topology design and multi-layered survivability for IP over WDM networks,” Master’s thesis, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, February 2022. [ pdf ] [ slide ]
  6. Takio Uesugi, “Protection of confidential information in supply chain system based on public permissionless blockchain,” Master’s thesis, Graduate School of Information Sci-ence and Technology, Osaka University, February 2022. [ pdf ] [ slide ]

特別研究報告 / Bachelor's Thesis

  1. 中村 樹, “車両位置予測に基づく5Gセルラーリソース割当手法の実装と評価,” 大阪大学基礎工学部情報科学科特別研究報告, February 2022. [ pdf ] [ slide ]
  2. 吉海 皓貴, “時間発展型市場モデルを用いたAPIエコノミー の市場ダイナミクスの分析,” 大阪大学基礎工学部情報科学科 特別研究報告, February 2022. [ pdf ] [ slide ]
  3. 赤坂 友輝, “VRサービスにおけるインタラクティブ性を向上するエッジクラウド連携手法の提案と評価,” 大阪大学基礎工学部情報科学科特別研究報告, February 2022 [ pdf ] [ slide ]
  4. 大月 天渡, “MAP-Elitesアルゴリズムを用いた予測困難なトラヒック変動に対する適応性を有する仮想ネットワーク埋め込み手法の提案と評価,” 大阪大学基礎工学部情報科学科特別研究報告, February 2022. [ pdf ] [ slide ]
  5. 児玉 大暉, “生体情報から推定したQoEを用いたMPEG-DASHにおけるビットレート制御手法の実装と評価,” 大阪大学基礎工学部情報科学科特別研究報告, February 2022. [ pdf ] [ slide ]
  6. 久保 快斗, “デジタルツイン構築のための脳の認知機構を用いたオブジェクト認識手法の実装及び評価,” 大阪大学基礎工学部情報科学科特別研究報告, February 2022. [ pdf ] [ slide ]